Wednesday, January 30, 2013

YOU ROCK! Kid's Valentine

The other night I sat down and whipped up a little Valentine card for my 2nd grader to share with his friends at school on Valentine's Day.  We don't get to make boxes this year, which is unfortunate as I could totally see us fashioning a guitar shaped box to go with his Valentine, but I guess it will save us a little time anyway.  =)

If I'm being completely truthful - I make them for several reasons:
A. I love designing
B. He loves the personalized card with his picture on it (and especially loved the idea of handing out a package of Pop Rocks candy to each of his friends, although he WAS disappointed that I poo-poo'ed his idea of including a bottle of soda with each one. I didn't really think his teacher would appreciate the fountains of soda that were likely to spray everywhere when the kids dumped their candy into the soda bottles.)
C. It's so fun to hear my mom friends gripe at my efforts --- totally makes it well worth the extra time spent creating!

After showing a few friends, I did have a couple ask me if they could use it too.  Of course they can!  Love that they love it that much!!  Here is the original for my son and a sassy, girly take on the Valentine as well!

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